Latest update: 2018.01.31

The FAQ are constantly revised and renewed. Please, follow the information.



What is understood by the notion „cultural heritage“? Please provide some examples. Does the definition encompass contemporary culture products?

According to the understanding used by the European Commission, the cultural heritage includes natural, built and archaeological sites; museums; monuments, artworks; historic cities; literary, musical, and audiovisual works, and the knowledge, practices and traditions of European citizens. 

(source: https://ec.europa.eu/culture/policy/culture-policies/cultural-heritage_en)

Is the access to the Data Exchange Platform granted to every applicant?

Data exchange Platform will be available for beneficiaries only. It means that access will be granted to the institutions whose project was approved and is being implemented. Within the platform the documents will be exchanged between Programme institutions and beneficiaries.

Is a „health care programme” defined in the Programme rules?

The Programme applies a flexible approach and does not define what is considered to be a “health care programme”. The beneficiaries are allowed to follow a wide understanding of a term implying a complex of activities aimed at improvement of the public health. At the same time please mind that in all the questions that are not regulated by the Programme rules, the relevant national rules are applicable. The Joint Secretariat is entitled to consult external experts on the matter in case of doubt in the assessment process.

Will a part of the allocation be devoted to infrastructural projects only?

No, there is no particular part of the allocation devoted to infrastructural projects only, i.e. infrastructural projects compete with regular projects in the open call.

When should the applicants of the 1st call plan the beginning of their projects?

It is safe to plan the beginning of the projects starting from the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017.

Additionally, please note the following provision of the Programme Manual , chapter “3.2.1. Start date of the project”: “The earliest date on which the activities can commence and the expenditure can be incurred – is the start date of the project after the approval by the JMC. The earliest date on which project could be started, is the first day of the month following the JMC decision (i.e. JMC approved the project on 15 July, so earliest day for the project to start would be 1 August).” 

Are references to the national, regional and local development strategies, as well as to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) being assessed in the project proposals filed under all the priorities?

Yes, references to the national, regional and local development strategies, as well as to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), along with short descriptions of these links, constitute one of the assessment criteria. Please consult point “1.5. Project impact and contribution to EU / national / regional strategies” of the Table 17: Quality assessment criteria in the Programme Manual.

Do beneficiaries have to measure the number of tourists accommodated (result indicator of Priority 1 “Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency”)?

On the Programme level the results are expressed and measured in result indicators. Result on the project level is, in other words, a project’s contribution to the overall Programme result. It is expected from beneficiaries to describe in the Application Form how will the successfully implemented project contribute to the achievement of result of the chosen Priority (Programme level). 

Summary: the beneficiaries have to contribute to increasing the number of tourists accommodated, but the measurement of this indicator will be made on the Programme level.

(For more information please see paragraph 3.3. of Programme Manual)


Does the technical documentation have to be ready (construction permit, etc.) when submitting the project application?

Yes, the project must be ready to implement, therefore the technical documentation along with all the necessary permissions should be complete and valid. 

On what depends if there is yet another call for proposals?

Another call for proposals depends on a number of factors. Most of them are connected to the outcome of the ongoing call for proposals, including: the contracted and available amounts per priorities and the indicators to be fulfilled by the contracted projects. The decision on launching another call will be taken by the Joint Monitoring Committee and announced on the Programme website: www.lietuva-polska.eu. Please mind that a new call may include different modalities and restrictions than the present call, i.e. may be open only for some priorities, or may introduce limitations regarding the maximum amounts of co-financing, etc. Therefore, it is advisable not to postpone the decision of submitting a project application.

How long does the assessment of applications take?

Project assessment and selection process will take about 4 to 5 months starting from the deadline for submitting the applications, depending on the quantity of received applications. For more detailed information please refer to the chapter “3.7. Assessment and selection procedure” of the Programme Manual.

Is it possible to prepare the technical documentation and construct of the object within the same project?

Copy of the technical design has to be present when applying for for funding. Therfore, it is not possible to both design and construct an object within the same project. 

Is it possible to apply for funding for the 2nd stage of the infrastructure project (reconstruction of the object) from Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland Programme while application for funding for the 1st stage was submitted for the support...

...from another Programme?

Yes, it is possible if all the conditions, set in the Programme Manual are fulfilled:

Chapter 3.6.3 of the Programme Manual foresees that:

“In case works are foreseen in the project such annexes are required to be submitted:


Copy of Technical design project:

in case object is to be co-financed from the project budget partly, i.e. only part of big technical project is to be financed from the project:

- possibility to implement project in parts has to be foreseen in the i) technical project as well as in ii) the construction permit or other document of the equivalent probative value. Together also iii) cost estimates for the amount included into the project budget have to be submitted and iv) beneficiaries declaration regarding procedure of acceptance of the object for using after works, financed from the project, shall be implemented <…>.”

When applying for funding the lead beneficiary should declare (Annex VIII to the Application form – Declaration of the lead beneficiary) that “9. the project neither in whole, nor in part, has or will receive any complementary EU funding for this project during the whole duration of the project”. 

Moreover, the First level controller of the beneficiary of the contracted project, when providing declaration of validation of the beneficiary expenditure (Annex 8 to the Programme Manual) should confirm the following: “9. The expenditures referring to this Progress Report were not double-financed from any other financial instrument (e.g. EU, international, national or regional)”.

Summary: In case an applicant requests funding from the Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland Programme in order to finance the implementation of the 2nd stage of a particular investment project he is obliged to submit relevant technical documentation covering the part of the project to be financed (“2nd stage technical documentation”) as an annex to the Application Form. This part of the investment project cannot receive partial or full funding from any other EU source.

In case of joint project implemented by the local/regional authorities (governance) is it possible that one of them constructs the sports field, and the other one prepares the technical documentation in order to build the sports field?

Beneficiaries should be reminded that cross-border cooperation projects are expected to be built to address challenges that cannot sufficiently be dealt with by single country, but require joint actions by beneficiaries from both countries: i.e. the main activities have to be implemented together by the beneficiaries from both countries (1.4.1 of the Programme Manual). It means that potential beneficiaries have to answer to the question: to what extent project beneficiaries from bordering country shall benefit from the prepared technical documentation? Which cross-border needs/problems does the preparation of such documentation meet and what impact for the cross-border region such activity would have?  Beneficiaries should remember that the projects which contribute most to the achievement of Programme objectives shall be selected by the Joint monitoring committee.

So, while there are no formal obstacles to include these two activities in the project, the overall assessment of such a project depends on its final arrangement and justification.

Is it possible to implement a project which would concern the creation of the “nature trails” (ścieżka przyrodnicza/gamtinis takas) on both sides of the border and additionally preparation of technical documentation for reconstruction of some other object

Both construction of nature trails and financing the technical documentation are possible to be implemented in the Programme according to its eligibility rules. It has to be underlined, however, that preparation of technical documentation is not counted as an indicator in the Programme and therefore, it should be properly justified and linked to the activities of the project. Please also take into consideration that a project should have a clear cross-border character and should demonstrate an added value stemming from the cross-border activities that were implemented. So, while there are no formal obstacles to include these two activities in the project, the overall assessment of such a project depends on its final arrangement and justification.

While planning your activities, and creation of the nature trails mentioned in your question in particular, please take into consideration the fact that two-stage projects are not eligible within the Programme, i.e. it is not possible to create the technical documentation and construct an object within the same project. Conditions to be met when applying for funding in this particular case (creation of nature trails) may differ depending on the actual understanding of a "nature trail" (preparation of a map, construction of path involving construction works, etc.).


Is it possible to construct infrastructural objects under “Priority 2: Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility” or is it limited to reconstruction works only?

It is possible to implement a project containing investment component under all the priorities, provided that the investment is in line with the Programme objectives and contributes to the .achievement of indicators. Two types of projects are distinguished in the Programme: regular projects and investment projects, which differ as to the size of the investment component in the implemented project. 

(For more information, please see paragraph 1.4. of Programme Manual and Annex 2 to it: Fact sheet on eligibility of expenditure – point 6. Infrastructure and works in particular).


In the Priority 3 there is the output indicator „Number of new or upgraded health care services and prevention programmes”. Should the value of this indicator be understood as a single health care procedure (new or upgraded) ?...


...e.g. performed by using medical equipment purchased within the project or as a single kind/type of health care service (new or upgraded)?

Output indicator „Number of new or upgraded health care services and prevention programmes” should be understood as a single kind/type of health care service (new or upgraded). Thus, in this case the value of the indicator will be a specific kind/type of service, not the number of performed procedures. Performing a particular health care service (new or upgraded) can be ensured e.g. by the purchase of medical equipment within the project.

Detailed information about output and result indicators can be found in chapter 3.3. of the Programme Manual.


Is it possible that a project, which was submitted as a regular one, but containing a big investment component (close to 60% of the budget), after fulfilment of the conditions set up by the Joint Monitoring Committee ...


...(e.g. deleting from the budget part of expenditure for non-investment activities), changes its classification into an investment project (e.g. when the level of the investment component rises and exceeds 60% as a result of fulfilling conditions)?

Such cases are going to be examined in detail by the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) on case by case basis. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account, that the terms for the regular and investment projects in the first call for proposals (including terms related to investment component), oblige both the projects submitted during the call and conditionally approved after it. The potential beneficiaries have to be aware that in case the project submitted in the given shape fails to fulfil the conditions set up by the JMC, the project might not be approved to be implemented in the end.   

Is it going to be possible for the Polish beneficiaries implementing projects within 1st call for proposals, to obtain co-financing from the state budget to the own contribution necessary for the project?

The national procedure (with annexes) for co-financing the projects implemented by the Polish beneficiaries from the state budget is available under the following link: https://www.mr.gov.pl/strony/zadania/polityka-rozwoju-kraju/rezerwa-celowa/.

The procedure does not foresee a possibility to obtain the co-financing from the state budget to the own contribution to be provided by the Polish beneficiaries implementing projects within 1st call for proposals within Interreg Lituania-Poland Programme. 

It should be noted, however, that such a possibility (to obtain the coofinancing from the state budget to the own contribution needed for the project) is foreseen for the small projects to be implemented in frames of the European Territorial Cooperation programmes in 2014-2020 and it may cover up to 5% of the expenses incurred in the given fiscal year. 


Is the construction of the museum building, treated as an extension of the touristic product (railway which is the object of heritage) considered to be matching the output indicator “Number of heritage sites developed or adapted” and ...


... can be implemented within the framework of Priority 1 “Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency”?

The main purpose of the interventions financed under  Priority 1 “Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency” is preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage of the Programme area. Thus, firstly, it is the natural and cultural heritage of the region that should be properly preserved, protected and developed. Secondly, in order to promote heritage as a highly valuable asset of the region, the heritage objects are to be adapted to serve as sustainable tourism destinations. On the basis of the previous experience, it was decided to count heritage sites (places of attraction), instead of heritage objects. Counting of sites represents complex investments into specific site. Therefore, construction of the museum to be counted as indicator “Number of heritage sites developed or adapted” has to be justified in relation to the above.

(For more information please see Section 2.A.1. of Programme Document).



Can associations formed by the local authorities act as lead beneficiaries? The association includes private companies.

The following institutions are eligible to act as a lead beneficiary:

in case of not investment project:

- national (governmental), regional and local authorities and their organizational units having legal personality, located in the Programme area;

- bodies governed by public law, located in the Programme area.


in case of the investment projects (please refer to sub-paragraph 1.4.1. of the Programme Manual):

- only national (governmental), regional and local authorities and their organizational units having legal personality, located in the Programme area.


An association cannot act as lead beneficiary in an investment project. In a project with no investment component,  a lead beneficiary has to meet requirements for bodies governed by public law:

a) they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character;

b) they have legal personality

c) they are financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law. 

(For more information please see sub-paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.1.3)

Therefore, an association formed by the local authorities can act as a lead beneficiary in a non-investment project provided it fulfils the above mentioned criteria set for bodies governed by public law.


Can an association that does not have financial means become a beneficiary in a project?

Yes, there is a possibility to act as a project beneficiary without or with minimal financial involvement. Such project proposals, however, may receive low marks for joint implementation, joint staffing or joint financing (depending on the project setup), if these elements are not described and planned properly. It is impossible for such associations to act as lead beneficiaries. It would also be advisable that they were not the only institutions from a particular side of the border (i.e. other institutions with more substantial involvement from a given country should be involved in the project).

Are there any other limits to the institutions, apart from the limitation concerning acting as lead beneficiaries in the projects (1 institution in one approved project), regarding participation in the projects?

One institution can act as a beneficiary in many approved projects. However, potential beneficiaries have to be aware that all the beneficiaries should have administrative abilities necessary to participate in the project and suitably qualified human resources. Potential beneficiary must also meet requirements set in Programme Manual. Also, a list of circumstances in which bodies cannot be eligible for funding in the Programme is presented in the Programme Manual.

(For more information please see sub-paragraph 3.1.2 of the Programme Manual)

Is it possible for one beneficiary to implement infrastructural investment, while the second beneficiary implements only soft actions within the same project?

Partnership has to be well balanced, i.e. different beneficiaries contribute and benefit to a similar extent without the dominance of one country or one beneficiary over the other. All the beneficiaries have to contribute to the project in a meaningful way. One of the obligatory ways of cooperation is joint implementation which means that every project activity is implemented in close cooperation between the beneficiaries or involving some or all of the project beneficiaries in every activity benefiting all the beneficiaries. There must be a balanced division of tasks and responsibilities between all the project beneficiaries. Implementation of similar activities on each side of the border does not guarantee the sufficient level of the cross-border impact.

 If the rules described above will be maintained, the type of partnership as it is described in the question might be considered to be effective and considered appropriate.

(For more information please see paragraphs 1.4.1 and 3.1. of the Programme Manual)

Project proposals involving NGOs in their activities submitted under Priority 3.

…In addition to that one of the output indicators under Priority 3 is “Number of NGOs involved in cross-border cooperation for combating poverty and social exclusion”. Taking the above into consideration, can an NGO take part in the project in order to support the lead beneficiary in its activities, while having no financial contribution (no financial flows between the two organizations)? Will such an NGO be treated as a beneficiary during the project assessment and will it be counted as an indicator?

An NGO can be involved in the project implementation in different capacities:

  1. as a project beneficiary other than the lead beneficiary (according to the provisions included in the point 3.1.3. The lead beneficiary principle of the Programme Manual). In such a case a given NGO should participate in the project activities and fulfill the criteria of joint development of the project, joint implementation and either joint staffing or joint financing (optionally). This implies that some kind of a limited financial contribution from an NGO may be necessary in order to prove the joint staffing or joint financing, however, it is not obligatory. The key issue is to demonstrate in the Application Form that the NGO plays a relevant role in the project and contributes to the achievement of its objectives in a relevant manner. 
  2. as a participant of the project’s activities (f. ex. trainings for NGO workers). In such a case an NGO is not included in the project as a beneficiary and cannot receive financial means from the beneficiaries. Such involvement should be properly described in the Application Form.
  3. as a service provider to the beneficiaries. In such a case, especially when financial flows between the beneficiary and an NGO are foreseen, an NGO cannot be included in the project design as a beneficiary. Financial flows between beneficiaries are forbidden within the Programme.  It is however possible to contract activities to an NGO and demonstrate it in the description of activities and the budget under the category “External expertise and services costs”. Please mind that an NGO will be treated as a service provider in every case when financial flows between beneficiary of the project and an NGO are foreseen (in case of engagement under the Law on Public Procurement or the Law on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work in Poland). 
  4. as a contents partner (in Polish “partner merytoryczny”) with no financial flows between the beneficiary and an NGO (f. ex. consulting the activities as foreseen in the Law on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work in Poland). In such a case an NGO is not included as a beneficiary of the project, does not receive financial means from the beneficiary and his involvement is crucial for the project and properly described in the Application Form.

In the above mentioned cases No. 1 and 2 involvement of an NGO can be treated as achievement of an indicator “Number of NGOs involved in cross-border cooperation for combating poverty and social exclusion” and assessed. In case 1 the achievement of an indicator will have a form of Consolidated Progress Reports, in case 2 – lists of participants of events and other relevant documents, 

In cases No. 3 and 4 involvement of an NGO cannot be treated as achievement of an indicator “Number of NGOs involved in cross-border cooperation for combating poverty and social exclusion”. 

Please note that in any case the engagement of an NGO has to be necessary for the achievement of the project objectives and must be meaningful for the project activities. The involvement of an NGO that is not sufficiently justified is not encouraged in the Programme.

Please pay special attention to the fact that involvement of specific category of NGOs, i.e. these which are engaged in combating poverty and social exclusion, is of interest to the Programme.

Is it possible that a hospital is a project beneficiary on one side of the border and an association on the other side?

Yes, it is possible. However, it has to be remembered that an ordinary association does not qualify to act as a lead beneficiary of a project. An exception is an association formed by one or several regional or local authorities, which could act as a lead beneficiary of a non-investment project provided that it fulfills the criteria set for the bodies governed by public law (more in chapter “3.1.2. Eligible beneficiaries” of the Programme Manual).

Are local initiative groups (Lokalne Grupy Działania/Vietos veiklos grupės) eligible beneficiaries in the Programme?

The eligibility of a local initiative group depends on its legal status, i.e. whether it falls under the eligibility rules of the Programme. In order to verify the eligibility of such a group it is advisable to send its statutes to the Joint Secretariat for verification, which is one of Joint Secretariat’s tasks.

Is a church legal body/parish eligible beneficiary in the project?

 On the Lithuanian side religious communities or communes (religinės bendrijos ar bendruomenės), established following the Lithuanian legal acts, might be eligible beneficiary (but not a lead beneficiary) as non-profit seeking entity, if they have legal entity and can prove by the relevant documents that they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character. 

On the Polish side a church legal body/parish is not eligible beneficiary in the project.


Do budgetary institutions (e.g. schools and national parks) fall under the definition of a “National, regional and local authorities and their organisational units having legal personality”?

Taking into consideration budgetary institution description in the Lithuanian legal acts (Law on Budgetary Institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, art. 2), budgetary institution is the legal entity that implements functions of the state or municipality and is financed from the state or municipality budget. Therefore Lithuanian budgetary institutions (eg. schools and national parks) fall under the category “National, regional and local authorities and their organisational units having legal personality”. 

In case of Poland the self-governmental organisational units (PL- samorządowe jednostki organizacyjne posiadające osobowość prawną), having legal personality, also fall under abovementioned category.


Can an institution that has its head office located outside the Programme area apply for funding? The institution has a branch office with no legal personality located in the Programme area.

Please refer to 3.1. Programme Manual:

“As a general rule, the ERDF co-financing is provided only to project beneficiaries located in the Programme area. 

However, it should be noted, that in very exceptional cases, JMC of the Programme might accept beneficiary from outside of Programme area, but within the national borders of Lithuania and Poland, if: 

- its involvement contributes to the benefit of the Programme (i.e. thanks to involvement of beneficiary from outside of Programme area, Programme objectives can be achieved more fully), 

- its involvement is pertinent in relation to the project theme and benefits, which might bring the participation of beneficiary from outside of the Programme area, 

- justification of its involvement is concluded in the part II.2 of AF. 

Such beneficiaries will provide adequate documentation and their participation will be assessed and approved on case by case basis by the JMC.

For example, above provision covers organisations which according to their legal address are located outside the Programme area (but within Lithuania or Poland) and which have operative branches, without legal personality, located in Programme area. In this case, involvement contributing to the benefit of the Programme will be proved by providing the documentation and describing the way in which the branch works in favour of the Programme area. 

Beneficiaries from outside of Programme area cannot act as lead beneficiaries in the projects (see subparagraph 3.1.3). Before including the beneficiary from the outside territory, it is recommended to consult Programme bodies via JS on first level control (…) arrangements for them”.



What kind of expenditures can be financed from preparation costs (2000 EUR)?

Lump sum of 2.000,00 EUR for preparation costs, if such are needed, can be foreseen in the Application Form and is meant to cover the costs incurred by all the project beneficiaries in relation to the preparation of the Application Form: preparation costs of travel, accommodation (if necessary), per diems and meals during the meetings of applicants, as well as preparation costs for translation (during beneficiaries meetings) and organization of the events (beneficiaries’ meetings). 

(For more information please see sub-paragraph 3.2.2. of Programme Manual and also Annex 2 to the Programme Manual)

Should the project budget be balanced?

There is no formal requirement of balancing the budget. An unbalanced budget does not have to be a reason for rejection of a project proposal, as it mostly depends on the activities planned in the project. It is however assessed, whether the project itself is balanced and affects both sides of the border, i.e. whether it has a cross-border effect. Project budget that reflects the activities of the beneficiaries and allows them to implement activities of a cross-border character is an element of this assessment. Please consult the following quality assessment criteria: “3.1 The partnership has sufficient potential to realise the planned activities and to deliver the expected outputs and results (Is the partnership well balanced, meaning that the different beneficiaries contribute and benefit to a similar extent without the dominance of one country or one beneficiary?)” and “5.2. Project demonstrates value for money (Do total partners’ budgets reflect real involvement (are balanced and realistic)?)” as listed in the Programme Manual, Table 17: Quality assessment.

It is not advisable to seek balance in the budget at all costs. It is more important to be able to finance the activities according to the needs and capabilities of beneficiary institutions in such a way that allows for proper implementation of the project.

Can be an in-kind contribution be treated as an NGO’s contribution to the project?

According to the point 8. Ineligible costs of the Annex 2 “Fact sheet on eligibility of expenditure” to the Programme Manual, the in kind contributions are not eligible.

Are advance payments foreseen for the implementation of small projects?

Documents related to small projects are not yet in place. Also, no bonding decisions were made regarding the rules of the call for proposals of small projects by the relevant Programme bodies. Please check the updates on the Programme website www.lietuva-polska.eu for all the necessary information and documents.

Can an expenditure concerning preparation of documentation for bicycle routes creation, treated as an output of cooperation andcounted as an indicator, be eligible in the project implemented under...

...Priority 4 „Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration“?

Chapter 2.3 of the Programme Manual provides detailed information on expected activities and outputs of the projects to be financed under Priority 4.

Eligibility of project activities and coherence of the budget will be assessed after submission of the Application form to the Joint Secretariat, following the assessment procedure, described in the point 3.7 of the Programme Manual.

Priority 4 aims to support key principles of good governance in the Programme territory, such as responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency of public authorities by improving important parts of the system such as: structures and processes, human resources, and service delivery.

When designing possible activities beneficiaries are advised to answer the following questions: 

Will capacities of the public administration across the border be increased thanks to the project activities? 

Will the quality of public administration be increased? 

How will the population, being the main target group of the Priority 4, benefit from better local and/or regional governance and /or increased public services thanks to the implemented project?

Please mind that the chapter 3.2 of the Programme Manual foresees that ineligible activities within the 1st call for proposals include the preparation of strategies, studies and surveys.

Is it possible to foresee additional payments to civil servants for administration of the project in the project budget and is such an expenditure eligible?

In the chapter “1.1. Legal background” of the Programme Manual  it is foreseen that: “Where no or no detailed provisions are stipulated in the EU rules, the Programme rules can be set up accordingly. National, regional or local legislation and institutional rules only apply where specific issues are not regulated either by the EU legislation or the Programme rules.” 

Taking into account that eligibility rules of the Programme presented in the Annex 2 “Fact sheet on the eligibility of expenditure” to the Programme Manual do not provide detailed information on involvement of civil servants into the project activities and payment for their work, potential beneficiaries should refer to the applicable national legal acts. Provisions regarding additional payments to civil servants for administration of the project are foreseen in national act (liet. Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymo 26 straipsnis). It is also advised to the Lithuanian beneficiaries to read the recommendations, prepared by the Civil service Department, dated 2016-04-08 “Rekomendacijos dėl žmogiškųjų išteklių pasitelkimo įstaigoms vykdant ES fondų lėšomis ir ES dvynių programos lėšomis finansuojamus projektus”. 


In which budget cathegory the movable equipment (e.g. scene) should be included, if it is going to be ordered within one, common procurement with the construction works (the value of works is the prevalent part of procurement)?

As a general rule, all the indirect infrastructure-related costs (e.g. investment supervision, author’s supervision, purchase of equipment to the infrastructure objects, etc.) should be included under the appropriate budget categories (e.g. budget category No 4 External expertise and service costs or budget category No 5 Equipment expenditure). In case of difficulty in assigning the exact part of the invoice to separate budget lines, the assignment of the whole amount to one budget category can be done basing on the prevalent part of the purchase as it was planned during the public procurement procedure.  

Is it possible to make payments, which are related to the goods/services delivered as a result of other (earlier) project activites, (to pay out the invoices) during the closure activity?

 As a general rule only the costs for project management and its administering (in budget categories as Salaries and Office and administrative expenditure), as well as, in case of the Lithuanian beneficiaries, First Level Control expenditure may be incurred during the closure activity.

However, if the invoice (or other document of equivalent probative value) is issued before the closure activity and it is related to the goods/services delivered (i.e. completed) before that time, it is possible to pay out such a document during the closure activity of the project. 



What are the differences between the Application Form of Programme and the Application Form in the previous edition of the Programme 2007-2013?

The Application Form valid for 1st call for proposals is quite similar to the Application Form designed  and used for calls in the previous Programme 2007-2013. Certain parts of the Application Form were simplified and made more user-friendly  by adding drop lists for convenience of the applicants. However, please mind that the Application Form was prepared and adapted to the requirements of the current Programme and should not be compared with the old Application Form from the previous Programme.

Please also remember that during the call, valid Application Form should be used. Proposals prepared using the old versions of the Application Form will not be assessed.

Are additional points being given during the assessment of project proposals for involving NGOs in the activities?

Projects that involve NGOs in their activities are being encouraged within Priority 3 “Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination”. It means in practice that a project including a meaningful cooperation with NGOs  may receive additional points during the last phase of the assessment process, i.e. Strategic Impact Assessment, done by the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme. 

Additionally, please mind that the “Number of NGOs involved in cross-border cooperation for combating poverty and social exclusion” constitutes one of the output indicators of the Programme. Having this in mind, the involvement of NGOs under Priority 3 may be assessed under the criterion “1.2. The project activities contribute to the achievement of the Programme outputs and results” as listed in the Programme Manual, Table 17: Quality assessment criteria.

Please mind that only the projects that scored minimum of 65 points during the Quality Assessment are being submitted to Strategic Impact Assessment.

How should the indicator “Number of heritage sites developed or adapted” used under the Priority 1 „Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency” be understood?

Heritage site mentioned in the name of the indicator “Number of heritage sites developed or adapted” is understood widely as a place of attraction, and not as a single object. Development or adaptation of heritage sites means a complex investment into a site.

How to proceed with Annex 1 to Partnership Agreement (Division of indicators), if Partnership Agreement itself should be signed as soon as possible, while division of indicators is not known at that moment?

Annex no. 1 to the Partnership Agreement could be filled in on the further stage (after the Partnership Agreement itself is signed), when the exact division of indicators between project beneficiaries is already known. In any case, the Partnership Agreement and its annexes have to be submitted to the Joint Secretariat along with the Application Form. 

Annex 19 to the Application Form is translated into Lithuanian only, so does it mean it is applicable only for the Lithuanian beneficiaries?

Yes, Annex 19 “Extract from Cadastral measurements file (liet. Kadastrinių matavimų byla) of the land / real estate (schemes of places where investments (works) are planned)” to the Application Form is applicable for Lithuanian beneficiaries in case this is not integrated part of the technical design project, to be submitted as Annex 15. 



In Annex 20 to the Application Form some assessment of the cross-border impact of the investment is needed, but what does it mean exactly?

Annex 20 to the Application Form (Copy of documentation related to proceeding in the field of the cross-border impact on the environment) is applicable only for the Polish beneficiaries in case the project was defined as having a significant cross-border impact on the environment. In this case the procedure foreseen in the national legislation (pl. Ustawa z dnia 3 października 2008 r. o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz o ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko) should be followed.

What is the difference between Annexes 10 and 12 to the Application Form? What kind of information is expected to be provided in these Annexes?

Annex 10 to the Application Form “Copy of the decision on the environmental arrangements of the agreement for realisation of the project (for Polish beneficiaries)” should be submitted by the Polish beneficiaries according to the national legislation (pl. Ustawa z dnia 3 października 2008 r. o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz o ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko) for the projects, which:

a) always have a significant impact on the environment;

b) potentially could have a significant impact on environment.

A list of the projects falling under point a) and b) is provided in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of November 9th, 2010 on the projects having significant impact on the environment (pl.  Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 9 listopada 2010 r. w sprawie przedsięwzięć mogących znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko). In both abovementioned cases (points a) and b)) it is necessary for the Polish beneficiaries to obtain a decision on the environmental arrangements from the body relevant for the given type of project (1. regional director for the environment protection, 2. starost, 3. director of the State Forests regional directorate or 4. head of the commune (voyt, mayor or president of the city). If the project falls under any of the above criteria a) or b), decision on the environmental arrangements should be issued, e.g. before obtaining the construction permit. 

On the other hand, Annex 12  to the Application Form “Environmental impact assessment (according to national legislation), in case of Polish beneficiaries should be submitted  for the projects, which: 

a) always have a significant impact on the environment;

b) potentially could have a significant impact on environment, if the obligation of performing the environmental impact assessment was claimed by the body relevant to issue a decision on the environmental arrangements.

The scope of the environmental impact assessment and a body responsible for performing it is foreseen in the law (pl. Ustawa z dnia 3 października 2008 r. o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz o ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko). 

In addition to the Annex 12, if applicable, Polish beneficiaries should fill in and submit the document available under this link (editable version): https://www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/media/10508/Wzor_czesci_srodowiskowej_krajowego_wniosku_o_dofinansowanie.rtf   


Is Annex 17 to the Application Form (Approval of technical project) applicable only to Lithuanian beneficiaries and what does it have to do with Annex 15 to the Application Form (Copy of technical project design)?

Yes, Annex 17 to the Application Form (Approval of technical project) is applicable only for the Lithuanian beneficiaries. 

Following applicable Lithuanian legal acts (e.g. Law on construction, Construction technical regulation STR 1.05.06:2010 etc.),  the approval of the technical project is understood as written acceptance of the prepared technical project by the builder (customer). 

Annex 15 to the Application Form (Copy of technical project design) is applicable both for Lithuanian and Polish beneficiaries in all the cases when the project contains investment activities.

Approval of the technical project (Annex 17) has to be issued for the technical design project to be submitted by Lithuanian beneficiary as Annex 15.


What kind of expertise is meant under Annex 18 to the Application Form (Expertise of technical project)? Shouldn’t it all be included in the documentation/technical project (Annex 15 to the Application Form)?

Annex 18 concerns the conclusion of an expert review of the design documentation (expertise of the technical project), as regulated in Lithuanian Construction technical regulation No. STR 1.06.03:2002. As according to the Lithuanian legal acts, regulating constructions, expertise of the technical project is not a part of technical project, therefore, this document should be submitted separately.

Lithuanian beneficiaries should take into account that funds of the Interreg V-A LT-PL programme are included into the Public investment programme of the Republic of Lithuania, therefore in case of works to be implemented within the approved project, appropriate requirements as for the objects to be financed from the Public investment programme, are applicable. 


Is a feasibility study required annex to the Applications Form?

The Programme does not set up an obligation to attach a feasibility study to the Application Form. If it is not required by the national law for the given type of project, there is no necessity either to prepare or attach a feasibility study to the Application Form. 

In the previous Programme the Polish beneficiaries used to fill in the standard form of Annex 1A for environmental impact assessment ...

...(pl. Załącznik Ia - formularz do wniosku o dofinansowanie w zakresie oceny oddziaływania na środowisko do Wytycznych w zakresie postępowania w sprawie oceny oddziaływania na środowisko dla przedsięwzięć współfinansowanych z krajowych lub regionalnych programów operacyjnych). Is there a new version of this particular annex?

There is a new document applicable to the Polish beneficiaries (Guidelines for documentation of environmental impact assessment for projects co-financed with national or regional operational programmes) approved by the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of the Republic of Poland on October 19th, 2015.

The new form of environmental annex is provided under this link (editable version): 


That document should be filled in and submitted by the Polish beneficiaries only in case the submission of Annex 12 to the Application Form “Environmental impact assessment (according to national legislation) is applicable.  

As for the Declaration of a body responsible for the monitoring of the Natura 2000 net areas (Annex 11 to the Application Form), the proper form can be found under this link (editable version): https://www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/media/10510/Deklaracja_organu_odpowiedzialnego_za_monitorowanie_obszarow_Natura_2000.rtf 


Is it obligatory to submit a Municipality council decision regarding its support to a project and financial commitment along with the Application Form (a municipality council decision is not mentioned as obligatory in Programme Manual part XII. Annexes)?

Please follow the provision in Programme Manual part 3.4.1: „IMPORTANT: when planning budget of the project, beneficiaries are advised:

- To evaluate very carefully their financial capacities and to prove their own contribution. It means that together with the application, document proving own contribution has to be submitted (e.g. a copy of beneficiary internal financial plan reflecting the funds foreseen for implementation of project activities or/and decision taken by the council of assignation of funds might be provided as “Other” annex)“.



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