2 kvietimo ataskaitų teikimasPakeitimai buvo atlikti: 2019.02.20Progress report form with GUIDELINES (PDF version) Updated 2019.02.08Progress report form (Excel version for filling in) Updated 2018.03.09Consolidated progress report form with GUIDELINES (PDF version) Updated 2019.02.08Consolidated progress report form (Excel version for filling in) Updated 2018.03.09Declaration of validation of the SP beneficiary expenditure by the First Level Controller Updated 2018.06.29Guidelines for filling in Declaration of validation of the beneficiary expenditure by the First Level Controller Updated 2019.02.08Economic clasification report form of the Lithuanian partner expendituresModel timesheet formAnnex table for Final CPR related to long term assets (Word version for filling in) New
While preparing the FINAL Consolidated Progress Report (CPR) please be reminded to attach additional documents:1. Description of all activities implemented within the project (separate annex should be prepared with underlined impact of the project activities, achievements, influence and results). 2. List of long-term assets of all beneficiaries using a standard form. 3. Copies of the checklists in case there were checks on spot performed by the FLC.
The detailed description regarding reporting procedure is described in part 4.3 of the Programme Manual for the 2nd call (Small projects)IMPORTANT NOTICE! The Joint Secretariat (JS) is informing that due to the improper assignment of expenditures to the economic classification codes by the Lithuanian beneficiaries, the Managing Authority, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, has suspended a few payments to the projects. In order to avoid delays in the payments, the JS is asking Lithuanian beneficiaries while filling Economic classification report form of the Lithuanian beneficiaries expenditures (annex to be submitted together with Consolidated progress report) to follow the up-to-date classification of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics: http://osp.stat.gov.lt/instituciniai-sektoriai-ir-subsektoriai
Lithuanian beneficiaries can find the most recent classification while clicking on “Search of economy subjects” (lit. Ūkio subjektų paieška) and downloading the Excel table Veikiančių ūkio subjektų, priskiriamų valdžios instituciniam sektoriui, sąrašas. Relevant year must be used while preparing the report. In case of questions, please contact JS.
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